17 March, 2013

My final video: Simplicity

So this is my final video for concept development. My overall concept to the video is simplicity. I wanted to convey the idea that less is more and can lead to a happier life with the little effort it takes. I got me thinking about the things I do and what type of life style I want to live by. I choose to interview 3 of my closes friends. When I ask them these questions, they came up with their own ideas of what simplicity was to them. One of them did say it got her thinking of the things she was doing and how she can change some of her habits. These ideas take little to no effort and I believe can make a difference to our environment if we all apply it.
Overall, I am happy how the video came out and how I convey my ideas into a small film. It's a concept I hope to explore and apply to my life in the future.

Enjoy my video!

16 March, 2013

Successful Business

On Monday's class, we began to talk about businesses and companies. We then briefly discuss apple as a company. Jimmy, my professor, asked us why Apple could get away with everything they have done this far. As far as releasing a new iPhone every 6 months, a new version of mac books and desktops, and new constant designs for ipods and ipads. Apple can charge crazy amounts for their products, even though they can be flawed, and customers will still pay for the item. 
It got me thinking of why this was, how a company could be successful based off shiny products that appeal to the mass. I've been a loyal apple fan since I first got a ipod back in 2005 followed by a desktop computer the following year. I always stuck to apple products because of the simplicity in the style.It's simple smart phone that does what it does and that's that. To me, it's a basic function smart phone that help me through out my day. Also the fact that all my products can be sync into each other making it that much easier for myself. I guess apple appeals to people like me, who enjoy the simplicity in a product. Apple products do have minor flaws but nothing that taking care of your stuff couldn't fix. I can't tell you how many people complained about breaking their phone when they have this flimsy case to hold it. Or people complaining about the battery usage when their on their phones 24/7 and have them charge all night. I always believe the saying, "you get what you pay for" and this applies to the Apple company.
Apple definitely has a lifestyle built within the company. It appeals to the simplistic modern person living in the city. The music they promote, the choice of their commercials, and their overall clean crisp look that is timeless is what sells to the mass. 
This lead me into thinking about selling any of my work. To me, a successful business creates an image and philosophy that makes it apart of a lifestyle. I see businesses and design/art work as a philosophy, if you truly believe in what you are trying to sell, you'll apply it to your everyday life. It's like this blogger I have been following for quite some time now. She is a fashion blogger who is interested in the idea of minimalism. The basic simple functions of a wardrobe, like a plain white tee, translucent heels and your basic levi pant. As I started to look beyond her fashion expertise, I seen she was interested in designing. She design a calendar with just a few black lines on white paper that said "get shit done," a closet rack made from pipelines and a coffee table made out of translucent glass. I began to see her apply her love for minimalism to her everyday life. Even the tattoos on her body were a mere black line outline from the side of her arm to her elbow. Then I understood why she was becoming more successful because she stuck to her beliefs and create and designed the most beautiful and simple products. 
I believe this is one of the most memorable thing I have learn this far. That to go anywhere with design work, you have to believe in it more than anyone in the entire world. You have to make a connection between your work, your belief system and to relate to people. At the end of the day, it all has to tie into each other. 

10 March, 2013

Wednesday 3.06.13

Wednesday's class was mainly focus on our progress towards our final project. For our final, we have to make a 2 to 3 minute video that shows sustainability in our environment.
We drew up a creative map to where we want to go with our final project. We all sketched out the slides we are going to have in our videos. Only once have I done this prior to this project. I find it helpful in some ways and in other ways I feel like the project could eventually take a mind of its own. I say this because accidents and mistakes happen while making the project, which can lead to unintentional work. Sometimes you can create something great this way. I wouldn't bet on that happening which is why I still believe it is a good idea to draw out your projects.
What I am doing is having a overall concept of "what simple living means in your environment."
I plan on interviewing some of my friends for this project, asking them that question. So I'm showing through out the video that simple things can make an impact in the world. Things include, donating and shopping at thrift stores, growing your own food, using public and alternative transportation more, enjoying nature for reduced energy usage etc. etc. My overall tone for this video is for self reflection in people. People should think about themselves and see if they contribute to a "simple lifestyle."
This generation has an excessive need to indulge in things that are unnecessary such as watching massive amount of television, internet usage, fast foods, shopping at huge corporations etc. etc. I want to convey the idea that less is more and the simple things in life can do good for the environment and lead to a happier life.
Jimmy explained that some of us might not be into this project but to find some passion within the project and create something we enjoy. For a while, I've latched on to idea of simplicity and minimalism. My main concept came from this, wanting to explore this idea more. I was able to find something I enjoyed that was is school assigned project!

07 March, 2013

Monday 3.4.13

The majority of monday's class consisted of going over our homework assignment. We had to collect 3 magazine photos that told a story without words. We all put our assignments on the board and went through everyone's story. Other people had to guess the story without hearing what the original story was intended on. Some were vague, that lead to a lot of possible story ideas. Some didn't make much sense that made a lot of people confused.
I chose a story of someone on drugs. The first magazine photo was a photo of pills. The second shot was a girl just about to drop a cough drop into her mouth. The last shot was a young teen who looked very unhappy. Her arms drooped a the way down to the ground. The story was intended to be someone who took a lot of drugs and felt really relaxed to the point where her arms were really relaxed.
This assignment was tough because of the types of photos that were in the magazine. Either they had too much writing on them or were just ad campaigns for whatever they were selling. It was also hard to come up with a story in only 3 photographs because it was only 3 photographs.
At the end, Jimmy made us rearrange some of the photographs to make a really good story. It's still unclear to me what a really good story could be in 3 photographs. Would it make you feel happy? or sad? or is it suppose to only give one response to the audience? or does a good story had multiple meanings to it?

We were told to work on our final project which is to make a 2 to 3 minute video about sustainability in our world. I have a few ideas, they just need to be explored!

28 February, 2013

Aliens coming to earth... maybe.

On Wednesday's class, we started off by having to tell a story in 3 drawings. We couldn't use words and  at the end we would vote on whose was the best. Each drawing had to be clear of what our story was. So we go into groups of three and had 30 minutes to come up with a concept and actually drawing the story out. I got paired up with Susie and Carrie, my classmates.
We began to develop a story of aliens going to earth from their mystery planet. The aliens come to earth and see our planet full of the things we hated. We started to brain storm ideas of things we didn't like: naming celebrities, political issues, entertainment junk etc. etc. It was hard to portray these without using words or even to draw a celebrity that everyone in our class could recognizable. So we just stuck to using logos, which can be very recognizable to everyone. We stuck to using McDonald's logo. So when the aliens are close enough to see earth, in the last frame, you see the aliens taking off back to their planet.
After our timers went off in class, we than judged each other's drawings. There was 8 set of drawings on the board. Some were okay, some weren't very clear. The group that won, was a drawing of a couple sitting on the bench with a love sign in between. The next shot shows the same couple pregnant sitting on the bench. The last shot shows the couple holding the baby on the same bench. It was an okay depiction but I feel like it won because of the love depicted in the drawings. It got to peoples emotions and I believe that most people tend to choose things based on their feelings. I choose a set on drawings that showed a girl tripping and her breaking her phone. The drawings were good, it's mainly why I choose it.
In the end Jimmy, my professor, ended up saying ours was the best concept and was depicted very clearly. I thought so as well because ours was very simple and clear cut. He explained that the winners story was a boring, not that well drawn drawing.

The second half of the class we were introduced our final project which is a 2-3 minute video due at the end of the quarter. It's week 8 here at CSULA and the quarter ends at week 10 with a finals week following that. Don't understand where time went. Any ways, we suppose to make a video that explains our environment, the people and issues. Basically, it's how we live on this earth. We were showed a video of an example, not really anything he wanted. I think Jimmy does this because he wants people to be real creative and not influenced by any examples people have done in the past. It's kinda of tougher this way to think of an idea but I guess it does leave a clear mind for us to develop a concept. I have one, maybe two at the most ideas of what I want to do. I wonder how this project for myself is going to turn out. We shall see.


btw, here's a picture of our project!

25 February, 2013

Games & Creative briefs

In today's first class of the week, we did the most confusing group activity we have ever done in 220,  concept development, this far. I'm going to try to explain the game without confusing you, but be aware you'll probably be confused. We started off by sitting in a circle and were to develop better listening skills. Jimmy would ask someone to the left of him, saying, "this is a who?" the person replies with "a who?" Jimmy says with confidences "a who." Then it continues throughout the whole circle. People changed the name of the objects and we were also thrown a second object into the circle. At one point of this exercise, the objects meet in the middle and these people would have to be able to turn to the left and right and remember what tone or question the person was asking them.
As a class, we finished the first round without stopping. To be honest I thought someone would mess up, mainly because I was confused at what we were doing from the beginning. Once the game began, it got clear. I'm more of a person that needs to see examples rather than be told the instructions. My mind is easily prone to trail off. I figured that someone would be confused just like I was. We got through the exercise once but messed up a few times towards the end when two different objects were going around the circle. I think as a class we've gotten use to these group exercises and that we have gotten pretty good at them.
For the last part of the class we reviewed creative briefs. It was actually my first time being introduce to a creative briefs. It makes perfect senses to make something written that has every details of your project. Before some projects, not all of them, I would just scribble on a page of certain things I was trying to convey within a project. This is a more structure way rather than me writing down things like "don't forget to add this color!"I thought these creative briefs are very vital to a project. I think of it like guidelines to the future work you are about to do that you've discuss with your client and/or partners and yourself. This can prevent you from getting off track from what you originally intended on.
We briefly talked about art and design, what the main differences were between each other. Art is more subjective, based on personal interest and emotions. Design is objective, based on ration. Both art and design cross paths, but are two separate subjects. I do see a structured rational person in me and at the same time this creative whimsical being dreaming of the most lucid dreams, day and night.

21 February, 2013

Presenting myself

Since the last class, all we've done is present our game concepts to the class. The class explained that there is this show called shark tank, which I've never seen, in which a group of investors were pitched ideas and they pick on what they want to invest their money into. Jimmy, my professor, explained that the presentations were like the show shark tank. We were to ask questions on how their games worked and to critic their presentation. 

I had presented last week so I got the chance to just pay attention to the presentations and the game concepts. A lot of them were very interesting game concepts but didn't know how to present them well. I was one of those people. I started to think about presentation skills. Communication skills are beyond important, yet I lack these skills. Finding a way to communicate in a way that best presents myself is something I'm trying to work at. 

Presenting yourself in a way that best reflects yourself is something that need a lot of work. I know what I'm capable of doing, what my intentions are in project, the reasons behind the work and overall how it best reflects myself. Yet when it comes to words and explaining myself it seems to get tough. I always been one to be very quite and when I feel something is need to be said I will say it. I always had a fear of saying the wrong thing or saying it a way that wasn't to be intended. I've always be envious of people who were able to give these incredible speeches and communicate well with their audience. I wonder though, if they were naturally like these or if it took practice. I know in my case, I need to practice. For example, in my Letterform class which is also taught by Jimmy, the first project I presented I practice a few times the night before even timing myself. For the second project I didn't have the chance to practice like I did before. The second presentation I totally blanked out on what I was going to say and ended up with a short and not a very good presentation. It was proof that I really needed to practice on what I was going to say and how I wanted to reflect myself as a designer. 

I want to be seen as this confident artist/designer/visionary who can communicate well with the people around her. I want my reasons to make sense, be relatable to people and yet still be unique with a style that is a fresh of breathe air. I realize that a lot of people out there feel the same way and that there is a lot of work to be done on myself as a person and my work. My philosophy is to be honest with yourself and what you want from life. To understand and come to terms with that were all on this earth trying to make sense of the life around us. I'm documenting my human experiences and the things i've learned this far. I'm taking these human moments and making them into momentous and extraordinary moments. I'll convey these moments with the hues of the somberness of life itself to the enigma of the human existents and the eeriness of my subconscious minds.

A message for everyone!
