19 February, 2013

Game concept presentation

First class of the week our final drawings and rules of our concepts to original board games. I went through a good 10 to 15 ideas of board games before finding something that was worth pursing. My game was called arranged your words. My game consist of 120 different square word pieces with words ranging from nouns to adjectives to verbs to pronouns. The premise is to be the first to arrange the word pieces into grammatically correct sentences. 3 pieces must be put down each turn, if you don't have a piece you collect a new word piece. You're able to rearrange the words on the table but at all the times 3 pieces and a grammatically correct sentences. 

During my presentation I got really nervous, to where my voice started shaking. It's one of those moments I think back to and it makes me cringe. I feel like I need to learn to communicate with people and communicate in a way that represents my style. This is important mainly because communication I'm a visual communicator. As much as I need to communicate with my work, my words are just as important. I say "to represented my style" because when I present, I feel like I'm not presenting myself in a way where I'm putting myself on display. I'm usually a quite person always thinking yet if I have something to say, I want it to be heard. When I present I feel like I'm not letting myself be heard. 

Besides my need for better presentation skills, my concept needed work when I got ask questions. Actually I didn't have anyone to see if I had any flaws in my concept so I did have blinds spots. One of my classmates mention my choice of colors for the game pieces. I choose to use to primary colors: red, yellow and blue. I choose these colors for simplicity, didn't want to resemble Rummikub as much. During the presentation, I said, "There was no specific reason why I choose these colors," which was a big mistake. I did chose it for simplicity not for a random reason. But I now I see I could of use to colors for a concept in the game. I could of choose to name nouns as blue, verbs as blue and adjectives as yellow. 
I feel like if I did this, the player will intentionally pick out the colors to win the game. You'd definitely need a variety of pieces, so maybe the color aspect of the game can probably work. 
Another thing my classmates mention was if punctuation was going to be apart of the game. I hadn't thought about this, although I did us the word grammatically correct. To learn grammar, you'd need punctuation. Maybe more pieces would be need. This reason would be because I want a large variety of words to make the combinations of words be greater. 

Overall, I could of done a lot better with this project. I think I got so distracted by the fact that to think of an originally game concept was very difficult. I also wish I would of gotten something else opinion so they could possibly notice my errors of lack of ideas in certain areas. I did enjoy the concept because it was simple and that is was mainly a strategy game.

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